Friday, April 3, 2009


I don't actually good at writing an academic journal which full of those pretentious words, I think. Here goes the role of my beloved thesaurus. I think I'm not going to write fully 'academic'. I try..
My journal for this week will be examined on education. To be precise, it's about someone who had cherished my Economics world. To be honest, I never liked Economics last year. I H-A-T-E IT!!! In fact, Economics WAS the NESCAFE time not only for me, but for the whole class. To addapt with the new subject was not a pleasent experience for me and I feel sorry for the lecturer because he/she tried so hard to make us understand. Result, a failure.
This year, we were hoping for a new, fresh lecturer who can knock our head with all the theories of Economics. On the first class, we met her. She had shown a good signal when she started the class with activities that made us enjoyed applying our Economics knowledge( even though it's not so much compared to what we should know). From that time, we don't need any NESCAFE and felt so fresh during the class. She just knew how to tackle her students and made everything simple and easy. Economics text are not two or three lines but pages and pages. To make it worse, the languages are not English at all( not literally).
Three months of pleasure have passed and we still imagined ourselves in the class with her. On one fine sunny day, she told us that she is no longer going to be teaching us Economics. She has been promoted by the National Bank. We can hear the thunder in our hearts. We are already in a good track, and now she's leaving us. In fact, she's already gone.
You don't how much we appreciate you, miss. You made me love the bussines cycles, the principles, the head cracking graphs and datas. Now, you are gone. Thank you so much for everything. THANK YOU, MISS JESRINA.